Diversity Hiring2019-02-28T16:02:48+00:00

Diversity Hiring

The most dynamic & an interesting area of our interest is Diversity hiring . Diversity is an important priority with a growing impact on various organisations. Organisations are better prepared to achieve excellence when their leadership matches the diversity in their workplace, communities, customers, stakeholders and markets.

Value Proposition

These days companies are expecting their search partner to seamlessly address their diversity needs as it is one of the growing areas & People Agile listens to you. We tailor our services to provide a breadth of candidates while ensuring that quality and fit are also fully covered. With diversity fully integrated into our service, clients have an increased degree of comfort and trust in the partnership. We increasingly focused on building connection with female candidates to increase the data pool we have.

We are also a diverse organisation. More than 40 per cent of our team members are women, and their representation on management and partner teams is a priority. People Agile is looking forward to delivery diversity commitment.

How We Operate

  • Building network & large data pool of women employees.

  • Encouraging women empowerment.

  • Mapping geographies basis of men vs women ratio.

  • Taking implicit association test.

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